Whatever the reason and the aim of the soil research, we can carry out the fieldwork. We are experts in drilling and sampling for geotechnical, geohydrological, water sediment, environmental and archaeological research. Sometimes this involves a combination of the various types of soil research.

Many of our projects involve environmental soil research. We take soil and groundwater samples in order to investigate whether the soil and/or groundwater is contaminated and to what extent.
Determining the quality of the soil by means of environmental research is essential for, among other things, applying for a building- or environmental permit, soil remediation and the reuse of soil, dredged material and building materials, and improving the water quality.
To gain insight into the properties of the soil, we carry out geotechnical research. This often consists of a combination of geotechnical drillings and CPTs. We take disturbed and undisturbed soil samples per half metre or per soil type for laboratory testing. We install sampling tubes in order to be able to measure the groundwater level and pore pressure.
The results of the geotechnical soil research can be used to understand and predict processes in the soil. Knowledge of the condition and structure of the soil is important in the preparation of the construction and installation of foundations, soil structures such as dikes and ground level elevations and excavations.

With our archeological field research, we support archaeologists to determine the archaeological value of the soil. Depending on the preliminary research and the subsoil, we carry out hand drilling or work with our advanced technology.
In order to protect cultural heritage, archeological research is mandatory in areas where there is a high probability that archaeological remains will be present. On the basis of this, it is determined whether and to what extent the carrying out of soil-disturbing activities is permitted.
During the geohydrological research, the soil structure, the permeable properties of the soil and the flow of the groundwater become clear. In order to accurately measure the groundwater level or head and to monitor the groundwater, we place sampling tubes at various levels.
Knowledge about groundwater hydrology is needed in the event of nuisance from (ground)water or to prevent nuisance. The measurements are important for determining the correct measures, such as lowering the water level (source drainage), drainage or infiltration.

All waterbeds that are brought up to the surface must be examined beforehand for contaminants. Many waters in the Netherlands have already been investigated by us. By sampling the bottoms of rivers, seas, canals and harbours, we are able to determine the quality and quantity of the sediment and the slip of the bottom of the water.
In addition to our standard drilling equipment, we also have the following tools at our disposal for water sediment research: Vibrocorer, Boxcorer, Van Veenhapper, Valbom, Zuigerboor en Multisampler. Our boats equipped with 06-GPS satellite technology ensure accurate measurement of the sampling points.
A water sediment research is essential for improving water quality, applying for a building- and environmental permit, drawing up a dredging plan and maintaining the depth of the watercourses.
Within our areas of expertise, we carry out a wide range of activities:
- Soil sampling
- Groundwater sampling
- Surface water sampling
- Soil gas sampling
- Sampling for mineral testing
- Sampling for asbestos testing
- Sampling for soil contamination investigation
- Installation of monitoring wells
- Installation services of extraction wells
- Installation services of vacuum wells
- Installation services of thermal installations
- Installation of groundwater monitoring networks
- Installation of groundwater monitoring networks
- Installation and reading of data logger
- Collection of data from groundwater monitoring networks
- Soil injection
- Dam Research
- Survey measurements
- Micro Piling
- Cone Penetration Test (CPT)
- Static depth probes (10t/20t)
- Pressiometer tests
- Pump testing
- Sorbisense
- XRF measurement